ECHO nr. 22: ICC Webinar ‘Cybersecurity & data protection: the business perspective and role of regulators in European markets’


Webinar ‘Cybersecurity & data protection: the business perspective and role of regulators in European markets’


Wednesday 30 March 2022, 14.00-17.00 (CET) hrs., online.


ICC Netherlands and ICC Germany are proud to present this webinar together.


Last December, the European Parliament adopted its negotiating position on the revision of the directive on the security of network and information systems. The directive should protect companies, but it should also be practical and doable. Whereas digitization advances European business processes, businesses also find themselves in an ever-evolving maze of regulations, rules and laws. Businesses are expected to continue to take steps to ensure compliance by dedicating adequate attention and resources to data protection and privacy security. ICC considers it essential that businesses and governments have a shared understanding of how to conceptualise cybersecurity risks, targets, impacts, and responses, including national and international laws and norms. While governments and business have different roles in addressing cybersecurity, they are mutually reinforcing.


This webinar will address how businesses can protect themselves when nearly everything is expressed in data. The experts will approach the subject from different perspectives: the vision of the EU Parliament, the angle of private sector and the legal argument. The need to explore strategies for addressing, and thus avoiding, privacy breaches before they occur remains critical What is a solid legal basis to share cybersecurity data to help prevent cyberattacks and ransomware? The experts will discuss the most prominent cybersecurity threats and how to recognise ‘red flags.’ This webinar will provide important insights in what to expect about common cybersecurity rules in all EU countries and how to implement them and monitor them, thereby promoting cyber resilience, safeguarding data, protecting businesses and keeping online society and economy secure.



• Bart Groothuis, Member of the European Parliament, Strasbourg

• Ferenc van Beek, Regional Compliance Officer, Siemens, The Hague

• Wilhelm Dolle, Head of Cyber Security, KPMG AG, Berlin

• Edwin Franse, Company Information Security Officer, Van Oord, Rotterdam

• Christian Prickaerts, Director Managed Services, FOX-IT, Delft

• Corinna Schulze, Director, EU Government Relations, Digital Government, SAP SE, Brussels


Target Audience

Corporate lawyers, in-house counsel, legal and compliance officers, bankers and risk managers.



After participating it is possible for Dutch attorneys to request a certificate of participation in order to receive a ‘PO-point.’ Upon receiving a passing grade for a short quiz you will receive the certificate in accordance with the NOvA. Please send an e-mail message with your request to


Programme and registration

For ICC members: EUR 125,- (excluding VAT/BTW)

For non-ICC members: EUR 275,- (excluding VAT/BTW)

For the entire programme and to register please click here.

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