Business' priorities for the future of transport in Europe


Key messages:

  1. Transport is a key pillar of the single market, allowing for the free movement of goods and people across borders.
  2. The cost and efficiency of transport services and the quality of Europe’s infrastructure networks directly affect trade flows, mobility and the competitiveness of European companies.
  3. Companies are experiencing that Europe is not yet fully connected, which hampers business opportunities, fair competition and ultimately growth and job creation. Completing the Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T) is crucial in this respect.
  4. Ensuring sufficient investments in future and existing infrastructure is therefore essential, establishing a solid foundation for transport in Europe.
  5. Considering the impact on European competitiveness , challenges linked to investment and increased demand need to be tackled decisively with a clear vision for the future of transport in Europe; making transport more sustainable and future-proof while ensuring cost-effectiveness.