ECHO nr. 53: Reminder: ICC Webinar ‘Global trade controls: current challenges and critical issues from an EU, US and Chinese perspective’


Wednesday 16 June 2021, 14.00-17.00 hrs., online.


Tensions in the international political arena have resulted in policy changes including economic sanctions and export control regulation. This causes uncertainty which affects international business. The Biden Administration provides for a different US perspective while China revamps its export control regime. Before June of 2021, the EU Commission will publish its revised export controls regulation, addressing the evolving security risks and threats and rapid developments in technology. It is clear that an update on trade controls from an EU, US and Chinese perspective is not only timely but certainly warranted.


This webinar provides for expert views and explanations on the current state of affairs by speakers from the US, EU and China. The experts will explore compliance challenges and enforcement risks associated with the recent regulatory changes and the latest developments in US and EU policies. What will be the implications for trade with Russia, Iran and China? What are the lessons learned from Nord Stream 2? What are the implications of technology and software sanctions? These, and other questions, relevant for trade controls and compliance professionals, will be answered during this webinar.



  • Marcello Irlando, Expert Dual-use, Export Control Team, DG Trade, European Commission, Brussels
  • Dr. Deming Zhao, Lawyer/ partner, Global Law Office, Shanghai
  • David D. DiBari, Lawyer/ partner, Clifford Chance, Co-head of Clifford Chance’s Global Risk Team, Washington D.C.
  • Renée Latour, Lawyer/ partner, Clifford Chance, Washington D.C.
  • Gerson Raiser, Lawyer, Clifford Chance, Frankfurt


Target Audience

Trade controls and compliance professionals, corporate lawyers, legal officers & in-house counsel. ICC Netherlands invites all registered participants to submit questions for the panel before 26 May 2021 by sending a confidential e-mail message to


Programme and registration

Registration is required. For the entire programme and to register please visit or click here.

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