ECHO nr. 11: ICC Webinar 'Digitalization in Trade Finance'


ICC Webinar ‘Digitalization in Trade Finance’

Wednesday 16 February 2022, 14.30-17.30 hrs. (CET), online.


Invitation by ICC Netherlands


In order to promote supply-chain efficiency and transparency, digital networks will need to facilitate trade finance. According to the ICC 2020 Global Trade Survey on Trade Finance, trade finance is in a state of global uncertainty. While many banks surveyed expressed concern over pandemic-related declines in trade flows and revenues, the survey also found that lockdowns and remote working are hastening the shift to digital solutions in trade, including blockchain. In response, the ICC published its Uniform Rules for Digital Trade Transactions (URDTT) last October, which will serve as an overarching framework for a future, fully digital, trade environment. Against a backdrop of increasing digitization of financial and commercial services, trade finance has been relatively slow to modernize. Harmonisation of trade finance by using digital platforms has started but a systems change within the industry is essential. Supply-chain collaboration regarding trade finance will become more and more important for future trade finance while the digital solutions will provide for a safer infrastructure that will aid banks and help them evolve and improve their practices.


This webinar discusses the continuing impact of digitalization in trade finance. In order to promote supply-chain efficiency and transparency, digital networks will need to facilitate trade finance. The experts will compare transformative technologies like blockchain, increased use of electronic documents and online trade platforms. To what extent will digital platforms alleviate existing risks in trade finance? What are the consequences in trade finance of initiatives like blockchain, BPO and URDTT? How will a completely digital process simplify transactions and reduce costs for all parties? These and many other questions will be addressed.




• Achraf Abourida, Head of Trade Products, ING Bank, Amsterdam

• Hugo Verschoren, Trade Finance Specialist, goVer Trade Technologies BV, Antwerp

• David Meynell, Independent Trade Consultant, TradeLC Advisory, ICC Banking Commission Finance for Development, London


Target Audience

Trade finance managers, export and import managers, in-house counsel, attorneys, lawyers, legal and compliance managers and banking managers.



After the webinar it is possible to request a certificate of participation in order to receive a ‘PDU-point.’ Upon receiving a passing grade for a short quiz you will receive the certificate.


Programme and registration


For ICC members: EUR 250,- (excluding VAT/BTW)

For non-ICC members: EUR 375,- (excluding VAT/BTW)

For the entire programme and to register please click here.


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